If you have hypertension,
Then you need more of Potassium.
Go bananas but stay away from salt and Sodium!
While at it, you might want to check your fat distribution,
And if you’re over 18, say no to smoking and all kinds of
sticky stuff!
Diabetics, desist from Colas and Sodas, please!
A little lean meat never hurt, but do add some fresh greens!
Sulforaphane is a cancer reverser!
And you get that from broccoli and cauliflower!
If you have to do oils,
Choose mono-unsaturated ones!
Avocado and coconut are great but know your smoking
Omega-3 sources are still controversial,
3 Salmon servings a week will keep you on good terms!
Cows get Calcium from the grass, but besides that you should
desist from dairy products,
Oat milk tastes great and you have so many other plant based

Alcohol spirits aren’t the best, and not only if
you are a dyspeptic!
But if you are, you might also want to stay far away from
Fried, peppery, acidic, or gassy,
Are words you want to avoid if you have stubborn gastric
Smaller portions are also better for heartburn,
gastritis, and ulcer,
And if you crave your bed immediately after a meal, please,
do lay on your left side!
The rest is simple, really,
Brush your mouth, run, and eat lots of Veggies!
More Salad, Soups, Smoothies,
and maybe a few Spices!
Avoid cream, sleep right, and give
gratitude daily,
And after this, do not forget to throw on some comedy!