About Our Brand

Befibrillator means – tuning to your natural rhythms. Our founder, Dr. Boye, believes that, as humans, we have a predilection to go into the world to try and find ourselves, when in reality, the truth is that we already have everything we needed from the beginning; we just need to listen to our inner selves in order to know which direction to go in life.
A defibrillator is a machine that shocks people whose hearts are failing, usually due to a heart arrhythmia. Through the aid of electricity, current is fired into the irregularly beating heart so that the person does not die. After defibrillation, the person’s heart’s natural pacemaker picks up and then the human heart is able to re-establish its normal sinus rhythm. This is similar to what Dr. Adeboye aims to establish with his brand, he wants people to listen to their true hearts so that they can realign themselves with their true nature which is essentially their natural rhythm.
And so, in human syntax, at Befibrillator, we see life as a maze, and our hearts as the maps.
We were all born with an innate compass to navigate our way through our external world. Most times, as we grow up, we allow fear, environmental influence, and dogma, which is living with the result of other people’s thinking, cloud that compass and take control of our lives.
The heart doesn’t speak a language we are familiar with, but it does speak. It gives off signals; it provides rhythm; It gives off vibrations. We don’t believe our hearts give us a destination, instead, they tell us the direction in which to go.
Our motto is “Originality and Freedom”. We encourage you to listen to your heart, to tune in to your natural rhythm, and to express your inner self more. Whether it’s trying your hand at that new hobby or taking courses in that subject that has always interested you, we urge you to go ahead; take that step forward as you never know where it would lead you to.
There isn’t one single comfort zone in life, we have to keep moving; it’s a journey, not a destination.
At Befibrillator, we make unique, intriguing abstract artworks and designs that are fun and exciting. Our works speak to you and are bound to attract attention anywhere you go.
We have beautiful designs and a variety of products to choose from; you don’t have to look too far when searching for that birthday present for a friend or something special to add to your home or wardrobe.
Our stores are located in the United States and in Europe, we use Premium quality materials, and we offer worldwide shipping.
We currently have five limbs. The first is our design company where we sell artworks, Sneakers, T-shirts, Hoodies, and much more. You can learn more here – www.befibrillator.com/shop/.
The second is Befibrillator Poetry, where we write therapeutic poems for clients, patients, or anyone interested in feeling better with our healing words. Fill in Our Google Form to get started. You can also Follow Us on IG or View our collections on Medium.
The third is our Health and Wellness company where we help individuals take charge of their health and work towards their optimum health. You can learn more at Befibrillator Wellness Newsletter or Bef_Welness Instagram Page.
The fourth is our photography page where we take amazing shots of nature, sceneries, and everything in between. View our gallery and collection of products on FineArtAmerica/PIXELS or follow us on Instagram.
The fifth Is Befibrillator Books where we write, design, and publish varying book titles including Works of Art, Poetry & Memoirs. View Our Published Books Here. Also, Follow Us on Amazon, BookBub, & Goodreads!
Thanks for patronizing the Befibrillator brand. And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, get Befibrillated today!