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Sniper Alert! @Sevastopol, Crimea


Quick Q:

Looking at things from a different angle, however, I wonder if anyone has ever considered the plausibility that both Creation and the Big Bang did occur sometime in the beginning of all this muddle that we find ourselves, but with one preceding the other. Is this my personal view on events? I guess time will tell.

– Adeboye Oluwajuyitan, M.D., from Book, AFROLEON


Poem  - Date of Composition: 12th December 2022.

Achievement is like silicon,

You feel so pumped until the day it bursts!

There’s no courage in running from a lion, you’re still gonna die…

So you might as well stand erect and give him your best smile!

Reading after eleven is like riding a horse in an empty stadium,

You are at liberty to pace yourself, and there is almost no pressure or obligation…

If heat can change the taste and texture of our food,

Isn’t it plausible to think that the sun can affect the way that we think?

If social media is made for connection,

Why can’t we also have real-life centers for people to learn how to be independent?

I can wrap my head around the subway system,

But is there a reason why city trains don’t have more levels?

For over a hundred years, entertainment enterprises have all been following their predecessors’ routines

New nightclubs pop up here and there on a daily, where folks merely go to dance, drink, and smoke on repeat

Why doesn’t someone create a nightclub where people paint with or without music and light drinks,

And a day museum with  Alcoholic exhibitions on the second floor?!

The Befibrillator

Adeboye Oluwajuyitan. M.D., MSC Cardiology. Author | Artist | Health Coach. I play the piano in my spare time.