About The Artist
Born in Nigeria, bred in Ukraine, Adeboye’s life is a rollercoaster. He has enjoyed, endured, and evolved through many moments of life. From overcoming a back problem in his youth, to surviving two major racist assaults, Adeboye has numerous intriguing stories to tell. He embraces a mixture of two civilizations, having the Ukrainian culture dominating the most developmental years of his life. An African man, with African blood and African genes, Adeboye is a fanatic lover of his beloved people and nation.
Adeboye James Oluwajuyitan is a serious thinker and contemplator of how things connect to one another. He has a host of theories, concepts, and thoughts with more and more being added each day. It is Adeboye’s hope that with time he will be able to effectively communicate these ideas through the appropriate media.
A lover of life and an ardent explorer of anywhere geographically accessible, Adeboye loves new adventures and taking on challenges.
He is also a medical doctor and cardiology specialist which maybe, just maybe, might explain his preoccupation with the heart. Also, Adeboye is a lover of anything nature-related, and this propelled him to become a Certified Health Coach.
In summary, Adeboye is a highly thoughtful, extremely emotionally aware individual, possessing an arsenal of learned skills, understood concepts, ideas, and developed thinking pattern. When Adeboye is asked about the reason behind his works, he responds, “I want to express my creativity in a natural and uncontrolled way. No rules. No limits. Just whatever that is flowing inside of me getting an outlet”.
Adeboye’s overall objective is to promote and inspire originality and freedom, in both thought and expression.